Leash Law (Dogs and other domesticated animals)

Pets, We love ‘em. They bring us so much joy. But, we can’t forget that with pet ownership, come responsibilities.

We have awesome pet owners in our neighborhood. And we want to make sure that they are safe and that our neighbors are safe. Please remember that animals should be leashed at all times. We would hate to see a pet hit by a car or a child, or neighbor knocked over by your pet. 

We want everyone to feel safe walking in our neighborhood. While this is generally not an issue with permanent or longtime residents, renters and contractors are frequently unaware of the Leash Law. 

It is essential that owners let renters know that the Town of Sandwich requires by law that all dogs be leashed at all times. In addition, during the summer months (May to September), dogs are prohibited on the beach between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00 pm.

As a private association, we have adopted the Town of Sandwich laws regarding dogs and follow the same rule for all other domesticated animals (cats, pigs, etc…).

So let’s all have fun and make sure our neighbors can safely enjoy the streets and beach.

And again, out of courtesy to your neighbors, some of whom may be afraid of your pet, please leash at all times and pick up and dispose of their refuse.