Important reminders that are always worth repeating:
1. Please drive slowly – the posted speed limit is 15 MPH. There are many more people walking in the neighborhood during the summer, especially children.
2. Summer dog rules are in effect – no dogs on the beach between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00, and it is a Town of Sandwich rule that all dogs must be leashed at all times. [There are no barrels at the beach, so take your poop bags home!]
3. No glass containers on the beach.
4. Sandwich’s noise ordinance defines quiet time as 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Please be respectful of others in this regard.
5. Fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts. The SDA does not condone any use of fireworks on the beach or in the neighborhood at any time.
6. Our beaches are family oriented. Please keep this in mind as we enjoy the sand, sun, and clear water.
7. Please do not leave items on the island at 6A for someone else to take away.