Using our Beach!

Our dunes are very fragile and must be protected. Do not climb on them or let your children or pets play on them. Do not remove or destroy the dune grass, and DO NOT put your unwanted brush on the dunes.

Children should be supervised at all times. Beach toys should be used with caution especially on windy days as rafts and balls can be caught by the wind and carry children out to sea. (children too!) 

Boats, water skies and jet ski: Boaters, water skiers and Jet Ski operators should exercise caution and, out of respect for the swimmers and sunbathers, use less crowded areas of the beach for launch and landing. Coast Guard rules and regulations should always be followed.

Pets and other animals on the Beach: Sandwich Downs Association, follows the Town of Sandwich rules regarding dogs on the beach and follow the same rules with other domesticated animals. Pets are to be leashed at all times and between April 1st and September 15th are NOT allowed on the beach between 9AM and 5PM so that families can enjoy the beach. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets. See specific 2024 rule for more details.

Recommendation from US Coast Guard  Kayak & Paddleboards 

The US Coast Guard highly recommends that all kayak & paddleboard owners label their kayaks & boards with owner contact information (If Found Decal). This aids in the identification of wayward kayaks/boards that may find their way off the beach and helps eliminate costly search/rescue endeavors. Official USCG If Found Decals may be obtained at the Sandwich Marina (harbormaster’s office). Otherwise, the USCG recommends marking your item with a waterproof marker. 

No personal property (boats, floats, beach chairs, etc.) may be chained to any beach stairs or supporting infrastructure as they can impede people’s access to the beach as well as cause damage during severe storms. Any items chained to the stairs or supporting infrastructure are subject to removal.

Trash : Glass is prohibited on the beach. Massachusetts General Laws prohibit glasses and bottles on the beach.

Please be considerate and follow our carry in – carry out practice. We suggest bringing a bag for trash whenever visiting the beach.

Beach Fires:  All fires must be below the high tide water line (seaweed line). Fires must be fully extinguished and holes refilled with sand. BEWARE OF STRONG WINDS. Do not put cans, glass or other materials in the fire – please use wood only as other materials present safety concerns.